Get Outdoors GO! Trek

GO Trek 1: Age Range: 10- 12 
GO Trek 2 + 3: Age Range 8-11

  • Min Group size: 8 - Max group size: 18
  • Gender: All
  • Instructors 2-3
  • 7 days
  • Cost: Choose Your Gift
  • GO TREK 1 Dates:
    June 22th - June 27th
    2 Dates:
    July 7th - July 11
    GO TREK 3 Dates:
    July 28 - August 1st

FOCUS: Learning, Playing, Exploring Outdoors

Trek Details

Get Outdoors Trek (GO! Trek) is an excellent introduction to both Cottonwood Gulch and outdoor living. Our GO Treks are divided into two age groups:  GO 1 for 10-12 year olds, GO 2 + 3 for 8-10 year olds

People: Who We Are: 

GO! Trek invites 8-12 year olds to our Basecamp to spark a connection between them, the Gulch, and the outdoors. GO! trekkers are welcomed to experience the essential value and innate joys of discovering our place within our environment, our community and ourselves.

Self-Discovery: GO! trekkers are the youngest trekkers at the Gulch. This experience is for kids looking to learn about who they are in connection with the outdoors. It is an opportunity for youth to discover what they enjoy and what they can share with others in regards to simply going outside and exploring the spaces around them.

We Can!: GO! trekkers can do it. We know they can. Being away from home can be a huge challenge, and we know that GO! trekkers will rise above and beyond. With guidance from staff, older trekkers, and visiting experts/educators, GO! trekkers will grow and learn to be more resilient, capable young people.

Places: Where We Go 

GO! Trek spends every night at Basecamp as a structured introduction to living in the outdoors. Most days are spent at Basecamp, getting to know the area and exploring the acres of forests, stream beds, mesas and open fields.

Basecamp: GO! Trek spends ~ 1 week at our Basecamp. This time is dedicated to introducing a trekker to our Basecamp. As trekkers get to know Basecamp- the Mesa, the Cha-oh, the Nature Arts Workshop, the Mess hall, the Museum- they will develop a relationship to place and nurture an independence that comes with familiarity as they navigate the area.

Day Trips: GO! Trek goes on several day trips within a short driving distance from Basecamp. These locations can include El Malpais, El Morro, Bluewater Lake, and other nearby areas. 

Projects: What We Do

GO! Trek asks “ How do I live comfortably in the outdoors?” This trek revolves around access to an outdoor experience and gaining confidence in the basic understandings required to move through those experiences.

Technical Skills Development:

  • Outdoor comfort: Trekkers will learn to be prepared with the basics for an outdoor excursion. This includes:
    • Outdoor health and safety; learning about hydration, sun-protection, finding shelter, etc.
    • Learning to pack a daypack.
    • Learn to set up a tent.
    • Learn the basics of Leave No Trace principles.
  • Basecamp: GO! Trek will develop an initial understanding of Basecamp’s inner workings. They will learn to participate in Basecamp’s “details,” and start to feel comfortable navigating the property.
  • Sleeping outdoors: Trekkers will sleep in open air cabins, with the opportunity to camp in a tent on the last night. This provides a scaffolded experience to gain comfort sleeping away from home.

Fun in the Outdoor Classroom: 

  • Cottonwoods programming: GO! trekkers will attend Cottonwoods regularly, learning about a variety of topics from our Basecamp Specialists, including ecology, visual arts, forestry, poetry, fort-building etc.

GO Trek is a great way to get to know what a Cottonwood Gulch summer is like and can serve as a prelude for Outfit Expedition (10-12 year old) or Wild Country Trek (13-14 year old).

GO Trek 2024 Pricing Structure: Choose Your Gift

This year, we are incorporating a different pricing structure for GO Trek. You can find out more about it by clicking here.

We invite you to help us build inclusive community and change a life. A past trekker sponsored your child’s trek this year, and now you have the opportunity to sponsor the next trekker by paying/passing the gift forward. Choose your gift according to your values and means. We have attached a form that details this process to the GO trek application. Simply fill out the application linked to the “Enroll Today” button and it will guide you to the “Choose Your Gift” form, which you can also find here.

Note: Your gift (formerly known as tuition cost) does not influence acceptance into our programs. Our application process is completely separate from all gift and payment processes. Trekkers are accepted into all programs based solely on their application and ability to participate fully in the Trek.

GO Trek= No discount or scholarship applicable.